Christ: Prominent? Or Preeminent?

Who is Jesus Christ?
  1. Image of the invisible God      
  2. First born of Creation
  3. Originator of Creation              
  4. Agent of Creation
  5. Goal of Creation         
  6. Antecedent of Creation
  7. Sustains Creation       
  8. Head of the Church
  9. First born from the dead         
  10. Preeminent One
  11. In him dwells the fullness of God      
  12. Reconciler of all things
  13. Maker of Peace
Christ Exalted
  1. Paul’s exaltation of Christ was crucial to the church of Colossae
  2. Paul’s identity with those in Colossae arises because of Christ (1:2)
  3. Christ was no more a visible person/personality…no monuments except for an empty tomb
  4. Paul ascribes 13 facts to Christ
What did Jesus Christ do?
  • The brothers and sisters in Colossae were ‘shut out’ from God…enemies in their mind
  • How? By their evil behaviour
  • But now by faith they stand vindicated and presented holy before God
  • So what is expected then of them who are Christ’s body? Perseverance in Preservation
Take Away
As a believer let the absolute truth of Christ’s Person and Position rule you. Truth or Dare are daily aspects of Christian living.