The Gospel Takes Birth: A Miraculous Conception

A Prophecy Given- Isaiah 7 (735 BC)

  • Judah is under threat from its own brothers and a foreign King…end of the Davidic line
  • Ahaz has not been walking in the way of YHWH (20/16…2 Kgs 16)
  • He seeks to make an alliance with Assyria to defeat Ephraim and Aram
  • YHWH sends Isaiah with his son
A Prophecy Fulfilled- Matthew & Luke (4 BC)
  • God the Father sets it up
  • God chooses the couple
  • God does not violate the rights of Mary or Joseph
  • There is Triune action
  • God makes himself vulnerable to a sinful humanity
What does the ‘Miraculous Conception’ reveal?
  • It reveals to us that the seemingly impossible is not probable but fully possible in the hands of the Sovereign Lord.
  • It draws us to look at Jesus- the Gospel as the Father’s abundant grace on a sinful humanity
Take Away:

Let not the crib diminish the fact that Jesus is the ‘Great I AM’