Scripture Reading: Ruth 2:1-10 & 3:1-10
From the previous Sunday in the names that mattered list we had not introduced Boaz. Boaz means, "In him is strength"
Getting Noticed & Getting Favored
•The barley harvest is on, and Ruth wants to get at work to get necessary bread for survival
•To us is introduced Boaz a man of standing from the clan of Elimelek!
•Ruth’s presence in the field captures Boaz’s eye, and he is given a report by the manager
•A conversation ensues in which there is honor, compassion, care and providence
•Ruth’s question is ..why such favor?..I am no one, a foreigner!

When Mara senses Sweetness
•Ruth returns with abundance not with just a little prompting further inquiry
•Naomi’s ears could not have fathomed any better news than this
•Naomi seems more settled with her name…there is hope…Ruth has found acceptance (Deut 23:3)
•Naomi’s interest in her daughter in-law’s settlement has not died…she advices Ruth to take a big risk

The Real Strength Of Boaz
•At a time when Israel had come to its worst in terms of sexual moral conduct and treatment of women…this episode stands in stark contrast
•For Boaz it was not who he was as a wealthy and noble man, who could have got away with a one night stand
•For Boaz it was to be faithful to a covenantal faith that displayed the person of YHWH…the ‘Shaddai’

•The Gospel of Jesus Christ, finds in Mary a highly favored one and in Joseph a man of strength.
•Our covenantal faith in and through Christ is to be marked with covenantal character! (Col 3:12-14)
Take Away: Carry the covenantal character of Christian faith in and through all you do, for God’s redemptive purposes are still at work